9 Tips For Bathing Your Dog

Many dog owners choose to take their pooches to a grooming salon to be bathed, whether because they lack the know-how, physical ability, or inclination to do it themselves (who can blame them?). And that is absolutely fine – it’s what groomers are there for and who’s going to do a better job, right? That said, other dog owners prefer to bath their dogs themselves, and that’s great. If you’re one of them, bear in mind that there are a few things to remember when doing so:

 1.  Never use human products or home remedies on your dog. Dogs have very sensitive skin with different pH levels to ours, so human products can, at best, irritate your dog’s skin and at worst, be very harmful. Remember, safe for humans does not mean safe for dogs.

2.  Be aware that dogs lick themselves. A lot. Everywhere. So never put anything on their skin that would be harmful to consume, such as tea tree oil.

3.  Dermatitis and fungal skin infections can be treated with specially medicated dog shampoos recommended by your vet – but always check with him or her before use.

4.  Coconut oil can be very effective for dry skin on dogs. It’s safe for consumption too, so there are no ingestion issues to worry about.

5.  Dogs with dry skin can also benefit from slightly less frequent bathing, as shampooing can dry the skin out further.

6.  Medicated shampoos, as recommended by your vet, can be used to treat overly greasy, itchy, or flaky skin.

7.  A dry coat can be treated with a gentle conditioner. Ensure that it is formulated for dogs and always rinse thoroughly.

8.  Ensure that every product used on your dog, no matter how dog-friendly, natural, or organic, is rinsed off thoroughly. Product residue can cause irritation to the skin, which won’t be comfortable for your pooch!

9.  After bathing, always dry your dog properly. One benefit of professional dog grooming salons is that they have special dryers for this, so try to make up for this as much as possible by towel-drying (or blow-drying on a cool heat – never, ever warm or hot) thoroughly.