Six top tips to keep your dog happy and healthy

When you love your dog, you want it to stay happy and healthy. So we have compiled a list of tips to help you keep your furry friend in tip-top condition. 

Tip One: Take your dog for daily walks

Regular walks keep your furry friend fit, active, and at a healthy weight. Exercise also gets your dog’s endorphins flowing, so it will help stabilise its mood. 

You can also take your dog on hikes and to the dog park, so it is exposed to new places and can socialise with other dogs. 

Tip Two: Feed your dog a balanced diet

Along with regular exercise, your dog also needs a healthy, well-balanced diet to keep it at optimum health. Feed your dog vet-approved food developed for its breed and size. Feeding your furry friend well means that its weight will remain stable, which will help extend its lifespan. 

Remember not to feed your dog human food or too many treats, as these can cause your dog to gain additional weight. If you want to feed your dog a healthy treat, try Zesty Paws Omega bites with vitamins that assist with joint and immune support as well as skin and coat health.  

Hydration is also super important, so always provide your dog with clean, freshwater daily. 

Tip Three: Make sure all of your dog’s vaccinations are up-to-date

To prevent your dog from catching harmful illnesses when it is out and about or at the dog park, remember to vaccinate it as a puppy. If you adopted it as a grown dog, make sure that it has received all the necessary jabs it was supposed to get when it was young. Your dog may also need additional vaccines along the way, so chat to your vet about all your vaccination queries.

Tip Four: Visit your vet regularly

To keep your dog healthy and happy, you must be proactive about its health. Take your furry friend for annual or biannual checkups with your vet, even when it isn’t sick or sore. It will allow your vet to keep an eye out for common ailments your dog’s breed might have and catch the symptoms early, making it easier to treat. Every pet parent wants their dog to live a long life, and regular checkups will help with this goal. 

Tip Five: Keep your dog well-groomed

Regular grooming removes loose hair and dirt, helps fight nasty skin conditions, and gets rid of fleas and other pests. Most dogs also enjoy being groomed, and it helps maintain a loving bond between owner and pet. The human touch helps lower your dog’s blood pressure and causes your dog to release happy endorphins. A well-groomed dog is a healthy and happy dog. 

Tip Six: Supplement where necessary

Boost your dog’s nutrition and immune system with supplements.

If you’re keen to boost your dog’s health with supplements, try the trusted Zesty Paws range: 

Remember to always consult your vet before using a new supplement. 


If you put these tips into place, your furry friend will have all it needs to live a long, happy, and healthy life. 
